As the Victorian cotton and woolen mills closed throughout the industrial North of England and Scotland over the last 40 years the antique wooden bobbins and shuttles left behind have been transformed...
LIMITED INVENTORY This cute timer will fit anywhere! Measures 5 minutes of time with natural sand and available in two sizes. 5 minute timer 2"D x 4"H or 2"D x...
This is a brand new Signature Collection hourglass. Handmade from solid chechen grown in Central America and protected by an oil rubbed finish. A heavy, dense wood it is as smooth...
This is a brand new Signature Collection hourglass. This figured genuine mahogany hourglass is made from one of the most coveted exotic hardwoods in the world. Its deep, red-brown color...
Sold Out $129.99
This modern hourglass timer with its clean lines and simple design makes a wonderful gift for a counselor or therapist. Beautifully presented in a contemporary wood and metal stand with...
This is a brand new Signature Collection hourglass. Handmade from solid walnut grown in the US and protected by an oil rubbed finish. A tough wood prized in cabinet making,...
This custom hourglass is brand new to the Signature Collection! Handcrafted from solid zebrawood grown in West Africa. Golden brown in color with pronounced dark brown streaks this is a...
This freestanding timer with natural sand is simple, but elegant. Great for timing conversations, meditation or just as decoration! Also available with a crystal base to add some visual interest...
This unique triangle shape timer runs for 60 minutes and has black or natural sand. Great for timing conversations, meditation or just as decoration! Also available with an optional marble base...
Sold Out
Standing a total of 11" tall, this modern hourglass is available with a 60 minute swirled sand globe and is beautifully presented in a polished, contemporary wood and metal stand. This hourglass...
$197.99 $209.99
LIMITED INVENTORY Quick Overview Made from recycled industrial artifacts from the World War II era Measures 60 minutes of time Made in the United Kingdom Hand-blown glass This bobbin sand...
LIMITED EDITION! Due to multiple requests this padauk hourglass is now offered in the 8x12 size for a limited amount of time. Handcrafted from solid padauk wood grown in Africa,...
This is our best selling hourglass and it's easy to see why - cherry finished wood contrasting with white sand, this sand timer is a classic and sells out constantly!...
NEW! Made from recycled industrial artifacts from the the early 1960s, this 60 minute hourglass is a beautiful and unique piece! Justhourglasses.com exclusive. Quick Overview Made from recycled industrial artifacts...
This hourglass with its vibrant yellow or subtle natural sand is perfect for keeping track of important meetings or to watch the soothing sand pour through the globe. Hand blown...
Sold Out
This hourglass with its natural sand is perfect for keeping track of important meetings or to watch the soothing sand pour through the globe. Hand blown in England it's also...
$179.99 $189.99
LIMITED QUANTITIES As the Victorian cotton and woolen mills closed throughout the industrial North of England and Scotland over the last 40 years the antique wooden bobbins and shuttles left behind have...
Brand new! This 50 minute hourglass with round black wood bases and black metal spindles has a clean contemporary look. The globes are hand blown and available with natural looking...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid birdseye maple grown in the United States. Creamy white with a hint of reddish brown in color, the wood is figured...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid birdseye maple grown in the United States. Creamy white with a hint of reddish brown in color, the wood is figured...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid bubinga wood grown in Africa. Considered one of the Rosewoods it is a uniquely reddish brown color with evenly spaced stripes,...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid bubinga wood grown in Africa. Considered one of the Rosewoods it is a uniquely reddish brown color with evenly spaced stripes,...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid chechen wood grown in Central America (limited supply). A beautiful wood with fine texture and small pores it is also very...
This is a brand new Signature Collection hourglass. Handmade from solid chechen grown in Central America and protected by an oil rubbed finish. A heavy, dense wood it is as smooth...
6x10 size, 60 minute ready for immediate shipment! This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid cherry wood grown in the United States. Reddish brown with a golden luster,...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid cherry wood grown in the United States. Reddish brown with a golden luster, this wood becomes darker and richer with age....
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid cocobolo wood grown in Central America. A beautiful wood, it's denseness makes it very strong and durable and it finishes very...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid cocobolo wood grown in Central America. A beautiful wood, it's denseness makes it very strong and durable and it finishes very...
Figured Genuine Mahogany is one of the most coveted exotic hardwoods in the world. Its deep, red-brown color is accented by delicate strokes of tight grain and with age it...
This custom hourglass is handcrafted from solid fishtail oak grown in Australia. Dark reddish-brown in color with strong broad rays, this material is straight grained with a medium texture. Combined...
This custom hourglass is handcrafted from solid fishtail oak grown in Australia. Dark reddish-brown in color with strong broad rays, this material is straight grained with a medium texture. Combined...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid granadillo wood grown in Central America and is the newest in our Signature lineup. A beautiful wood, its denseness makes it...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid granadillo wood grown in Central America and is the newest in our Signature lineup. A beautiful wood, its denseness makes it...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid padauk wood grown in Africa. The color is a redish-brown, often with dark stripes. It is moderately hard and heavy with...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid padauk wood grown in Africa. The color is a redish-brown, often with dark stripes. It is moderately hard and heavy with...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid walnut grown in the United States. Light to dark brown in color, this wood has a fine, open grain and a...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid walnut grown in the United States. Light to dark brown in color, this wood has a fine, open grain and a...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid white oak grown in the United States. Beige to creamy tan in color, this wood is less commonly used than red...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid white oak grown in the United States. Beige to creamy tan in color, this wood is less commonly used than red...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid zebrawood grown in West Africa. Golden brown in color with pronounced dark brown streaks this is a favorite piece for people...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid zebrawood grown in West Africa. Golden brown in color with pronounced dark brown streaks this is a favorite piece for people...
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid ziricote wood grown in Central America. Often referred to as a "poor man's" ebony, this is a dark, very striking wood....
This custom Signature Collection hourglass is handcrafted from solid ziricote wood grown in Central America. Often referred to as a "poor man's" ebony, this is a dark, very striking wood....
Watch the pretty natural swirled sand flow through the 3 globes in this freestanding 3 tier hourglass. A great gift for an hourglass collector. Now available with natural or pale yellow sand....
This custom walnut hourglass is handcrafted from solid walnut grown in the United States. Intricately carved and shaped, this is our most unique and labor intensive hourglass - held in...
Like our best selling cherry sand timer this hourglass has the same design but with a brown walnut finish instead of the cherry red. VERY similar to the "Days of...